How To Build Your Own House

About Us

We are an adventurous couple that has a passion for creating experiences from the ground up - quite literally. In 2017, we decided to embark on an ambitious journey - design and build a sanctuary for us and our community to share art, music, and movement.  

The framework of our home will be designed to optimize every space as an opportunity to express ourselves creatively. To take advantage of the sublime Santa Cruz climate, indoor and outdoor spaces will be closely intertwined so nature and home knows no boundaries. To protect and regenerate resources, instead of depleting them, we aim to integrate sustainable systems into every aspect of our design, like solar, septic, energy, water. 

We hope to share the knowledge we have acquired through the experience of building our own home. Our goal of this blog is to be a north star to those who are curious about the home-building process, and could use our learnings as a guide to create your own sanctuary.