How To Build Your Own House

Design Philosophy


We idealize harmony between human habitation and mother nature because we believe humans are interconnected to the natural world, not superior to it. By blending our structures into the natural contours of the hillside, our compound reflects continuity with our environment. 

We are lovers of nature, so it is important that indoor and outdoor spaces be closely intertwined. To bring this concept to life, we created design elements such as flush thresholds between space transitions, an abundance of glass openings that look upon ocean views and private courtyards, and programmable exterior lighting that cast an ambient glow. 

The material palette we chose is natural and indigenous, to ground us in primal experiences and organic instincts. Using materials as close to their natural state as is practical is our goal - wood for its warmth and irregularity, bamboo for its strength, stone for its durability, and rope for its playfulness and versatility. 

When you arrive at our sanctuary, you will notice the lack of a typical front door. Our unique entrance has a delightfully mysterious quality that welcomes you into our universe - a space open to community and the sharing of knowledge and skills. To create a feeling of social fluidness, our design embraces adaptable spaces that can transform to facilitate artistic, musical, athletic, and spiritual needs. Above all, we desire our space to be a safe place to celebrate humanity’s inner spirit for spontaneity, playfulness, and curiosity.